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How to Ensure You Recruit the Right Staff for Your Business

How to Recruit the Right Staff
Jill Wells
For Clients

Hiring new employees for your business can cost nearly $10,000 for the onboarding process. Training and recruiting can be so expensive; hence you need to make sure you recruit the right staff for your business.

If you don’t follow the right steps during the hiring process, you may hire employees that do not fit your company culture.

Would you like to learn more about recruiting for your business utilising agency recruiters? Keep reading this article to learn more about the benefits of hiring an external recruitment agency.

1. Write a Specific Job Description

When you are recruiting, you need to create a specific job description. This may seem like a simple task. However, subpar job descriptions may result in unqualified candidates applying for the job.

On the other hand, making your job listing too specific and complicated may prevent high-quality candidates from applying.

Making sure you write a specific job description weeds out unqualified candidates, whilst making sure you do not scare off high-quality candidates.  This can seem like an art form, however, when you create an accurate job description, it assists in finding the best candidates.

It’s imperative your job description mentions the role, the experience necessary, company culture, plus more.   If there are various avenues you feel you can have flexibility around, be sure to mention this in the job description to not deter potential candidates who may not meet the job description completely.

Following this step is a vital part of the recruitment process as it will assist in narrowing your search enabling you to find the most qualified candidates. Start with a great job description and you will attract great applicants.

2. Advertise on Various Platforms

The next part of the recruitment process is to advertise your job listing on several platforms.

One way you can do this is by outsourcing to a recruitment agency, as they have the knowledge and experience in using a multitude of platforms and know best as to where to advertise your position.  Further, with an existing talent pool of potential candidates on their comprehensive database, they can draw upon this also, which is an additional benefit to you.

Utilising the right platforms assists you in finding the most qualified candidates, ensuring you are not posting your job listing on platforms unrelated to your field, which may attract candidates with no relevant experience.

Following this step of the recruiting process is necessary to broaden your search and attract candidates from several sources. If you need assistance finding the best job recruiting platforms in Australia, try using some of the websites in the link attached.

3. Screen Potential Candidates

When you post job listings on a large job search platform, you may get several responses from many qualified candidates.

Whilst many of these candidates are qualified to do the job, it’s important to be sure you recruit an employee that will fit your company culture.

One way you can do this is by utilising an external recruiter or a specialist recruiter, depending on the types of employees you are looking to hire.

Recruitment agencies begin screening applicants as a standard practice to help provide valuable insights regarding each applicant before being put forward to interview. This also assists you in weeding out any candidates that are not a good fit, a real time saver.

By using a screening process before your interviews, it assists in identifying what qualities you should look for in the CVs of the applicants, which in turn assists in finding only high-quality candidates.

Finally, recruitment agencies typically have a large database of candidates they will draw upon during the recruitment process. If they have suitable candidates who would fit your needs, they may also include them in their shortlist.

Screening candidates is a necessary step in the recruitment process to not waste your companies time or resources on candidates who do not fit your requirements.

4. Interview Your Candidates

After you have completed your screening process and sifted through the candidate responses, you will commence interviewing applicants. You will need to conduct first, potentially second, and final interviews with the final shortlist of candidates. During the interview process, you will learn more about the candidate’s personality and their journey thus far, ascertaining their suitability to your company and learning more about their relevant experience which helps in aligning with your requirements, this is vital information when hiring employees.

When you use qualified or external recruiters or recruitment agencies, they quickly identify candidates with the best characteristics and qualities for your company. They also assist you to choose between several highly qualified candidates ultimately finding the best employee.

Once the interview process has been concluded and you have selected your ideal employee, there is a negotiation period.  Agency recruiters are highly skilled in negotiation and will discuss contracts, salaries, etc. with the chosen employee.

By utilising the services of a highly professional recruitment agency, it eases some of the stress associated when hiring new employees for your business.

Get Help Hiring with Agency Recruiters

When you are hiring new employees for your company, you need to make sure you attract the most qualified candidates possible.

One way you can do this is by utilising a recruitment agency throughout the hiring process.

When you use agency recruiters, they can assist you through each of these steps. This way, you can find the best job seekers who fit your company values. Recruitment agencies more often than not save you money in the long run!

Are you looking for the best recruitment agency with industry insight to help you hire for your company? WellsGray Recruitment can help! We help companies find leading talent for their open positions. Contact our team today to learn more about our recruiting services and see how we can help your business grow.

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