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Top 20 Highest Paying Jobs in Australia

Jill Wells
For Candidates

Job seekers look for employment based on a number of different criteria. They may organise their search by location, company values, flexible schedule, or growth opportunities. Regardless of other priorities, salary negotiations are always a consideration when making a move to a new career possibility.

Listed below are the top 20 highest paying jobs in Australia, loosely grouped by industry.

Careers in information technology systems

Technology systems and related fields are among the fastest growing industries in Australia. Technology changes so rapidly that these jobs are always in high demand. Ongoing continued education is required in this field so professionals can stay relevant and competitive when searching for new employment. Salary ranges will vary based on the exact role within a specific organisation or company, but the average range for IT systems employees is between $300,000 and $350,000.

  • IT Systems Architect
  • IT Manager
  • Cloud Engineer
  • Chief Technology Officer

Careers in finance

Savings and investment plans are required for every business and individual to reach their financial goals. Businesses need a diversified portfolio as much as someone who is planning for retirement. Careers in finance involve making company purchasing or liquidation decision, seeking capital or investment opportunities, and streamlining processes to reduce operating costs. These finance careers are among the highest paying jobs in Australia 2021, with an average salary range between $215,000 and $450,000.

  • Finance Director
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Vice President / Associate Director

Careers in construction and mining operations

Construction projects vary based on need, but there are always opportunities for new construction in residential, corporate, and government areas. New buildings are erected each month, and minor interior renovations are a constant stream of income for construction industry professionals. The mining industry is highly active right now, making these careers eligible for the list of the top 20 highest paying jobs in Australia this year. Specialised roles in these fields can earn an annual salary between $230,000 and $425,000.

  • Construction Manager
  • Project Manager
  • Head of Operations

Careers in healthcare

Healthcare careers include a wide range of options. Nurses, clinicians, technicians, and physicians are always in high demand. Medical billing and administrative professionals offer valuable services to support the industry. Professionals in this industry may be required to work long hours and shifts that vary from week to week. Long term care facilities, hospitals, and other institutions provide many opportunities for fast growth to qualified candidates. These positions may be full time or part time, and many private healthcare workers offer their services on an as-needed basis. Job seekers in this field can expect an average salary between $330,000 and $420,000 per year.

  • Wellbeing Manager
  • Healthcare Managing Director
  • Pharmaceutical Managing Director
  • General Physician

Careers for in-house corporate professionals

Virtually every business has need of speciality professionals to help their organisation run efficiently. These in-house positions include a very specific job or project descriptions and serve an important function. HR managers are responsible for recruiting and retaining top talent, while general counsel ensures compliance for industry standards. Executive officers generally oversee the day to day operations at a high level and make important decisions about the future of the company. This may determine whether the company merges with a competitor, offers public shares, or expands a product line. The highest paying jobs in Australia 2021 in this category can earn between $240,000 and $280,000.

  • General Counsel
  • HR Director
  • Executive Officer

Careers for external career professionals

Companies may have an occasional need for speciality professional services. Examples of these may include real estate transactions, new business research, marketing plans, promotional sales strategies, and temporary project assignments. Individuals who operate in these fields may be independent contractors, entrepreneurs who operate their own businesses, or employees of a professional services firm. These speciality roles can earn between $275,000 and $300,000 per year.

  • Development Director
  • Sales Director
  • Analytics Manager

Secure your dream job in Melbourne with WellsGray Recruitment

Job seekers must stay motivated during their search for employment. There are many other qualified candidates who are competing for the same positions. To stand apart from the crowd, serious job seekers will enhance their resumes and cover letters. Including keywords and phrases from a position description written by the employer will help potential candidates be selected for a personal interview. Getting the interview is the first step, and possibly the most difficult.

WellsGray Recruitment can help you get the interview you need for the job you want. Our professional staff of industry experts will prepare you to secure your dream job. We offer professional placement services as well as job readiness training and information. We advise to get yourself familiar with some of the most popular interview questions you may come across. If you want to finally land one of the top 20 highest paying jobs in Australia, contact WellsGray Recruitment and find temporary work or find permanent work with us today!

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