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How To Make a Good First Impression In An Interview and Get Hired

Jill Wells
For Candidates

Interviews are all about making a good first impression. Your potential employer will be judging you on a number of criteria, including your appearance, presentation, body language and what you say, and your interpersonal skills.

It’s important to create the best possible first impression to help your chances of getting the job.

Here are a few ways you can make sure that the first impression you make is memorable for all the right reasons.

  • Be on time. Being late to an interview is one of the worst impressions you can give a potential employer. Not only does it appear unprofessional, lack of punctuality for an interview will make your employer wonder whether you will turn up on time for work if hired.
  • Dress appropriately. Most job interviews require a business suit, closed toed shoes and minimal jewellery. If you are applying for a creative job you may have more leeway with the dress code, but make sure that anything you wear is still professional and appropriate.
  • Smile. Even if you are completely terrified, the act of smiling can help you relax and it makes you appear confident and approachable.
  • Look the interviewer in the eye. Avoiding eye contact can make you appear shifty, even if you are just shy. When you meet your interviewer, look them in the eye and smile for the best possible first impression.
  • Avoid unnecessary distractions. Noisy jewellery, overwhelming perfume or having your lunch caught between your teeth can be distracting for interviewers and may make it harder for them to focus on what you are saying.

It’s worth taking the time to make the best possible impression during an interview. Don’t forget to familiarise yourself with some of the most common interview questions that you may be asked! You will only have a limited amount of time in which to make an impact, so make the most of it and ensure it’s a positive one!

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