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How to Stand Out In a Competitive Job Market in Australia

How to Stand Out in a Competitive Job Market in Australia
Jill Wells
For Candidates

Master the art of job market success. Explore 12 ways to enhance your skills and make your profile irresistible to employers in any industry.

Having a good education isn’t enough to land you your dream job in today’s competitive job market – you need the right mix of education, experience and other softer skills – including language skills – to really stand out.

You also need to be flexible. It’s important to stay ahead of the game– otherwise, you risk redundancy. While this need to stay relevant is stressful and anxiety-inducing, it is crucial to make yourself look as good as possible in the rising tide of unemployment amidst abetter-looking economy.

Standing out in a competitive job market means making yourself more marketable. You need to commit to expanding your skills and knowledge in order to stay current, competitive and in a strong position to compete for jobs in the future market. Learning about different strategies for distinguishing yourself from the competition can be a useful tool in helping you find the perfect job. It’s not just about improving your work; your profile is influenced by the person you are, your motivation, work environment, working pattern and sector culture. Here are 12 ways to stay on-trend in terms of your skills and stay relevant for companies at any stage of your career, as well as 3 critical things to not do. 

What is a competitive job market?

Before we go any further, let’s define what a competitive job market is. A competitive job market refers to the amount of competition there is for open positions. In a competitive market, there are more potential employees wanting to fill roles than there are positions available. When lots of people compete for the same job, it means that employers can afford to be more selective. When lots of people are unemployed and all searching for a job at once, and there are more job seekers than available positions to fill—that is a competitive job market. When you’re looking for work in a competitive job market, you need to be able to standout during the recruitment process

Dos and Don’ts

While every market sector is different, there are certain strategies that will help any candidate stand out. In order to compete effectively and give yourself an edge, the following tips will help you hone your resume and your profile to create a very attractive package for any recruiter.


1. Clean Up Your Digital Footprint

In a highly connected world, potential employers are on social media and they are going to Google you. Get ahead of any unwelcome surprises by googling yourself. If you don’t like what you find, take steps to clean up your online presence and update any shared personal information. You should use social media to your advantage. Businesses might not care much about Facebook or Instagram, but they definitely care about how you look on LinkedIn. You should develop and maintain a strong professional online presence by keeping your LinkedIn profile up to date and building your network.

2. Develop Your Own Brand

Your authenticity is your greatest asset, so embrace your unique qualities to build genuine connections. One way to standout is to develop your own brand and identify what exactly is so special about you. Start by conducting a SWOT analysis on yourself. By assessing your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, you will find valuable insights into your personal and professional landscape. Recognise your strengths and leverage them, acknowledge areas for growth, seize opportunities for development, and navigate potential challenges with resilience.

3. Reputation

Joan Jett might not have cared about a bad reputation, but you most definitely should. Employers want somebody who is courteous, considerate, and timely, on top of being a good worker. These are all things you should develop in yourself. You should also be observant and helpful as much as you can. Be presentable– and this includes your online presence. If you upload photos to LinkedIn, you want them to be professionally acceptable!

 4. Get Experience

Education is important, but so is work experience. You should take the opportunity to get any relevant work experience you can, including part time, internships, and other experiences outside of your ideal job. But work experience isn’t the only type of experience that's valuable; cross-cultural experience opens your eyes to new perspectives, making you a more agile problem-solver and creative employee.

5. Start With A Clear Job Search Goal

Don’t necessarily take a shotgun approach to your job search. If you apply for anything and everything, you won’t have the time or energy to tailor your resume and cover letter to all of the positions. Instead, set smart goals and think carefully about what jobs to apply for. You want to be memorable, so only apply for jobs where you feel you could be a good fit.

6. Seek Out A Mentor

Finding a mentor can be extremely helpful as you navigate the job market, providing invaluable guidance and insights from someone with experience. A mentor not only offers valuable advice on career strategies, job search tips, and industry nuances but also serves as a source of encouragement, helping you navigate challenges and make informed decisions as you embark on your professional journey.

7. Develop Leadership Skills

Companies are always looking for people with leadership potential, so help yourself succeed. Take courses in business leadership and areas relevant to your field. Read as much as you can, and stay up to date with market and sector trends to give yourself an edge.

9. Keep Learning

Embarking on a journey of continuous learning and personal development is key to professional growth. Enhance your language skills, ensuring effective communication in diverse settings. Consider further education to deepen your knowledge and stay abreast of industry trends. Engage in reflective practices to gain insights into your strengths and areas for improvement. Stay current by refreshing your skills, adapting to evolving demands.

10. Polish Your Professional Image

Elevate your professional profile by refining your personal presentation and creating an exceptional resume or CV and cover letter. You should tailor your application materials for each opportunity to demonstrate a genuine interest. Leverage job search engines, connect with recruiters, and passionately showcase your enthusiasm and achievements. But don’t get too bogged down in the technicalities; let yourself infuse creativity into your approach and spotlight essential soft skills.

You should prepare thoroughly for interviews; going in unprepared is actively insulting to your potential employer! It’s also important to know your own worth and showcase your best work. The job search is no place for self-deprecation. In the competitive job market, this holistic strategy positions you for success by presenting a compelling, well-rounded professional identity.

11. Impress In An Interview

The interview is the place where you get to truly demonstrate your value in the professional arena. You want to be flexible in your expectations, showcasing adaptability as a key strength. Express your passion genuinely and let the recruiters see your enthusiasm. You can also prepare for the interview by leveraging social media strategically to bolster your professional presence and network. Go beyond merely conducting research; actively engage in  insightful contributions and thought leadership wherever possible. This will allow you to establish yourself as a dynamic and invaluable asset, ready to make a meaningful impact in your chosen field.

12. Follow Up

Once you’ve had an interview, make sure to follow-up. There is great value in expressing gratitude, and you should send thank you notes after any interviews. Both paper cards and thank you emails are acceptable, and many people choose to send both; a quick follow-up thank you email promptly after the interview, and then a more heartfelt paper card that will arrive later. If you want to do this, consider spacing your notes so that they fit comfortably in the hiring process. For example, if you know that a company is likely to make a quick decision, send an immediate day-of or day-after thank you email, followed by a traditional thank you note in the mail. It’s also worthwhile to seek feedback from your interviewer. Even if you don’t get the job, you’ll have valuable information for your next application.


1. Ignore First Impressions

First impressions are crucial on the job market as they swiftly establish the foundation for how you are perceived professionally, influencing hiring decisions, and shaping long-term professional relationships. A positive initial impression not only instils confidence in your capabilities but also sets the tone for future success in communication and collaboration.

2. Forget to Research

Thorough research is essential in any career pursuit. It extends beyond just exploring job descriptions; a smart candidate delves into an organisation's mission, vision, and financials to gain a comprehensive understanding. This strategy equips you with insights into the role and empowers you with a nuanced understanding of the company's values and goals. Research allows you to present yourself as a well-informed and engaged candidate during the application and interview process.

3. Skip Networking

Without networking, nobody knows who you are–and that’s a problem in a competitive job market. Approach networking with confidence and finesse, like a boss! Stay in touch with contacts by cultivating meaningful relationships beyond initial interactions. Actively participate in industry events, both in-person and online, to expand your network and stay updated on trends. An easy way to do this is to join online groups and stay active on networking websites. To further enrich your professional circle, consider joining relevant professional associations. Networking, when executed with purpose and consistency, opens doors to opportunities.


Marketing yourself well is challenging, but don’t give up. You may not find your ideal job right now, but it's important to exercise patience, be flexible, and do what you can to stand out amid the competition during these times. As they say, “This too shall pass.” Putting your best foot forward with a strong, polished resume is more important now than ever, so make sure your resume is ready for the job search with a free resume critique. And if you’d like more professional help or want some assistance finding your next job opportunity, please reach out to one of our expert recruitment consultants today.

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