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Top 10 Interpersonal Skills & Why they Matter to Employers

Jill Wells
For Candidates

What is interpersonal skills? Interpersonal skills definition states that these are skills that people use in order to communicate and work with others.

Whether you’re looking for a job or climbing up the ladder, you’ll realise that these skills are important to have. There are hundreds of interpersonal skills, most of which depend on your workplace and level of skills.

Employers are always looking for candidates with some of the following interpersonal skills. They’re looking for someone who can effectively collaborate, communicate, and display hard work and commitment.

What interpersonal skills do employers look for? Below are examples of the top 10 list of interpersonal skills that can help you land a job or get a promotion.

1. Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is the key to new opportunities and prospects. It helps you stand apart from your competition. It also proves how you deal with different situations, and handle them effectively and positively. It’s important to have self-confidence at each stage of your career, whether you’re just starting out or you’ve become more experienced.

Self-confidence also changes the way that people see your ideas, opinions and views. You’re taking more seriously in your profession. Self-confidence also helps you tackle challenges more efficiently and effectively as you set goals.

2. Relationship Management

While establishing relationships is important, it’s just as important to manage them. This is an excellent interpersonal skill that you’ll come across in various jobs throughout your life. Even at the beginning of your career, you’ll have to maintain your relationships at some level. The key to successfully managing your business relationships is to build trust, and respect for your managers and colleagues.

3. Positive Attitude

It’s important to have a positive attitude with the company and the role you’re in or applying to. It’s also important to not utter any negativity about your previous colleges or employers. If you’re on social media, it’s best to keep those accounts as private as possible. This prevents previous or current employers from coming across complaints, embarrassing photos or anything that may indicate bad character.

4. Communication Skills

Communication skills are one of the most important keys to getting and retaining a job. It can also help you land a raise or promotion. Communication skills are often placed higher than ambition, education or hard work.

5. Team Player

One of the most important skills to have is to be a team player within your organisation. This extends far beyond your expertise and is a cornerstone to promoting a great corporate culture. You have to be willing to step up and be a leader. You should also be a big-picture thinker and be willing to think outside of the box. Working for the greater good of your organisation is a good skill to have.

6. Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Do you have all the answers? Do people find you resourceful? Maybe you’re someone who owns up to your mistakes and is respected by your organisation. Similar to being a team player, critical thinking and problem-solving involves becoming a big thinker. You should also00000 hold yourself accountable whenever problems, you may have caused, arise.

7. Receptiveness to Feedback

You have to be open to constructive criticism and feedback. This skill can help you with both your personal and professional life. In order to be open to feedback, you need to listen to it rather than reject it. Consider what is being said to you. Pay attention to body language and non-verbal communication that’s being used.

This can give you an idea as to what your manager is really saying. This is a great time to accept the information you received. Then you can take what you learned to improve your performance and productivity.

8. Body Language

Body language is the gestures and other non-verbal communication that takes place. It’s important to consider your body language and how it’s interpreted in the workplace. This means being mindful of your eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, posture and tone of voice.

9. Time Management

Time management is a skill in itself that can improve with time. You need to brainstorm strategies that create balance and manage your time and projects. Time management helps you keep up with the demands received from clients, colleagues and employers.

10. Handling Stress Under Pressure

According to findings, Australians have experienced moderate to severe levels of distress in 2013 compared to findings back in 2012. In addition, young adults have more stress than adults. Even some of the easiest-going jobs consist of high levels of pressure. This, generally, involves positions in which you have to meet a strict deadline or when things change at the last minute.

This can work to your advantage, though. There will be instances when an employer may prefer you over another colleague or candidate if you’re able to remain calm under pressure. Maybe you have a story of how you worked under pressure. Maybe you were able to meet a demanding deadline or you worked in a busy work environment. Making either of these known won’t hurt.

Find your Way with WellsGray

Now you know which skills are important for your career. One way on how to improve your interpersonal skills is to build upon your strengths and weaknesses. Find out what skills you struggle with and find ways to improve on them. Hiring a mentor or taking a course can help you build upon those skills.

Do you still need help? WellsGray Recruitment is a recruitment agency that matches your particular skills to the right employer in Melbourne. We provide you with advancement and career advice and help you find a job that makes a positive impact on your life. We’ll place you with some of Australia’s best employers. Speak with a recruiter today to get on the fast track to your dream job. Get in touch with us here.

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